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Staying Safe at Back to Essentials

As we prepare to return to our regular operating hours, based on local and state guidelines, we have added several new measures to ensure the health and safety of our patients and team members. We have enhanced our sanitation protocols in the common areas and treatment rooms of our facility. We are asking all patients and team members to adhere to our sanitation protocol. 



Please leave all large bags, purses, and bookbags in your vehicle. Turn all electronic devices off. Please wear a pair of socks, you will be asked to remove your shoes and leave in the lobby before proceeding to your session. 



We're following local mandates to restrict the number of patients allowed in our lobby at one time so you can safely receive services and follow recommended social distancing guidelines.  Once inside the office, we’re instructing patients to precisely follow the safety procedures put in place to protect themselves, other patients, and team members. 



We continue to uphold our already high standards of facility cleanliness and have added additional enhanced measures in response to COVID-19. We have team members dedicated to wiping down door knobs between each visit, disinfecting card readers between guests, and sanitizing high-traffic areas throughout the day. We've implemented a formal handwashing schedule for all team members and have instructed them on the proper technique. 



We ask all patients who are feeling ill to stay home and reschedule their visit in order to protect other patients and our team members. If a patient has recently traveled within or outside the United States in areas of concern/risk we ask that the patient postpone services until at least 14 days following their return. If you have a fever, please reschedule your appointment until at least 72 hours have passed and the origin of the fever is known. If a patient arrives to the clinic displaying cold or flu-like symptoms we may find it necessary to ask the patient to reschedule.  The following is the procedure for being seen at our facility: 

  1. Remove your shoes and leave them in a cubby in the lobby.  

  2. Sit down and wait to be called to have your temperature taken. If your temperature is above 98.6 degrees, you will need to reschedule. If you exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms you will need to reschedule.

  3. Sanitize your hands before proceeding to your treatment room. 

  4. New Patients: Fill out the paperwork that corresponds to the services you’re having rendered. Bring the completed paperwork to the front desk along with your picture ID. You may keep the pen to prevent contamination. 

  5. Wear a face mask at all times while in the facility. 

  6. Avoid hugging and shaking hands. 

  7. Sanitize your hands before leaving the facility. 



We are dedicated to not only the well-being of our patients, but also the safety and protection of our team members. As always, we're requiring our team members to stay home if they're not feeling well. Our team is washing their hands thoroughly and frequently, sanitizing equipment, doorknobs, surfaces, and changing out linens between each visit. We are striving to keep our treatment rooms sanitized after each visit. 


We truly apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding as we navigate through this unique situation together as a community. Again, thank you for your considerable support and patronage to Back To Essentials. We believe that our services can aid in the support of strengthening your immune system and over-all wellness. We would love your continued support and dedication to your wellness while the country works to get through this Pandemic.

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